
AI Chatbot
VOC Review Analysis
Yearly-20% off
For Solo Entrepreneurs
AI resolution rate 50%+
1,000 message credits/month
Embed on unlimited websites
Upload multiple files
View conversation history
FAQ management
API access
Multi-channel Integration
AI-assisted browser plugin
Transfer to agent
Most popular
For Teams in a Growing Company
AI resolution rate 50%+
10,000 message credits/month
Embed on unlimited websites
Upload multiple files
View conversation history
FAQ management
API access
Multi-channel Integration
AI-assisted browser plugin
Transfer to agent
Remove Powered by Shulex
Option to Choose GPT-4
For Large Scale Businesses
AI resolution rate 80%+
100,000 + message credits/month
Strategies management
Intent Identification
Advanced API
The choice of 10,000+ users
“ The VOCAI robot can transfer to an agent, which is great because it doesn't give random responses. It helped me solve 60% of issues. ”
“ Offering free trial was very useful when I put it on my website. It automatically answered half of the questions”
Product Manager
“What sets it apart is that it can take my website and documents and turn them into learning points. It's very convenient to maintain.”
Marketing Manager
Frequently Asked Questions
If there are any questions about the order, you can always contact us.
How can I unsubscribe?
You can cancel your subscription in 'User Center' >'Subscription' page. You can choose to cancel immediately or cancel at the end of the payment cycle.
If I subscribe to a monthly plan, will I be charged automatically next month?
Yes, monthly subscription plans charge you automatically every month until you cancel or pause them.
Where can I get invoice?
You can download invoice in 'User Center' >'Subscription' > 'Billing Information'. Any issues with downloading, please contact
How to learn more about our products?
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VOC AI Inc. 8 The Green,Ste A, in the City of Dover County of Kent Zip Code: 19901
VocAI Chatbot - Resolve 80% of your customer support questions with no code | Product Hunt
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