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5 Ways to Get Amazon Product Reviews in 2022

5 Ways to Get Amazon Product Reviews in 2022

December 27, 2022
Author: GuoJie

When it comes to eCommerce, Amazon is undoubtedly one of the leading companies worldwide, and it is home to millions of sellers. While most of them strive to make their customers happy, others choose to take a shortcut and obtain fake Amazon reviews and boost their credibility.

According to statistics, nearly 60% of Amazon reviews in various product categories are fake. Moreover, Amazon has been active in removing and punishing sellers involved in the activity since 2015. As a result, nearly 40% of Amazon sellers were banned due to obtaining fake reviews or getting positive reviews illegally.

Since a majority of customers turn to product reviews to decide whether to buy a product or not, sellers have to rely on organic positive reviews and focus on turning their negative into positive ones. However, getting positive Amazon product reviews seems to be an uphill challenge for sellers. This article discusses five ways through which sellers can do so – without any risks.

Is It Legal to Buy Amazon Reviews?

While most sellers resort to buying Amazon reviews to boost their products and make them more noticeable, this practice is illegal. Moreover, Amazon doesn’t take this practice lightly, and sellers doing so can find themselves in hot waters.

The eCommerce giant also has an automated method for flagging and removing Amazon fake reviews from its platform. Therefore, you shouldn’t try to buy Amazon reviews, as there are several organic methods to get them.

How to Get Amazon Reviews?

If you think your products aren’t getting the traction they need to boost sales, maybe you need to get authentic Amazon reviews. Here are some legit and authentic ways you can use to get reviews.

1. Use the “Request a Review” Button

Amazon allows you to request a product review for each of your orders. On the Seller Central page, you can find the ‘Request a Review’ button in the order details, and it is a useful feature that allows you to get reviews from all your customers.

This button sends a message or email to each of your customers, so they can place a review if they are impressed with your product. Of course, you can’t expect every customer to actually place a review, but you might get more reviews than usual.

2. Register for the Amazon Vine Program

The Amazon Vine program is specially designed to help sellers that sell Amazon-registered products with fewer than 30 product reviews. The program requires you to put up 30 units of each of your products, which are received by Vine reviewers for free.

Basically, these are verified reviewers who test your products and put up authentic Amazon reviews. Since they receive the products for free, they are even more compelled to review them, especially if they find them to be of high quality. This way, you can expect to receive at least 10-12 reviews, if not more.

3. Use an Automated Email Response Tool

Amazon already has an automated responder feature that allows you to send messages to your customers. You may choose to use it for obtaining genuine product reviews from your customers, or you may use a third-party automated email responder for this purpose.

Keep in mind that Amazon has specific rules when it comes to the type of messages you can send to your customers via email, but it doesn’t consider obtaining Amazon reviews as a breach of its policy. You can use this to your advantage and request your customers to review the products you have delivered as soon as they have received their order.

4. Add Product Inserts to Your Orders

One of the best ways to prevent Amazon fake reviews, and compel your customers to leave genuine and positive reviews, is to leave product inserts inside your product packaging. You can design these inserts with your brand colors and logo, and thank your customers for placing their orders.

Moreover, you can encourage them to leave a positive review if they are pleased with your product. However, you might need to have a look at the Amazon guidelines first. The eCommerce giant prohibits sellers from leading people to post positive reviews. For instance, asking for a five-star review is against the rules and can get you in trouble.

5. Try Preventing Future Negative Reviews

Have you been receiving more negative reviews than positive ones? Chances are that your products might not be meeting your customers’ expectations. You need to understand that a customer has to be really irked or dissatisfied by your product to write and post a negative review.

A good product seldom draws a positive review, but a low-quality one will certainly draw their ire. Therefore, you need a comprehensive AI-driven tool to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your products, and use the voice of your customers to improve upon them. Shulex is a stellar tool for Amazon sellers to achieve this. It has the Amazon Review Analytics feature that extracts data from negative reviews, helping them turn into positive reviews.

How Amazon Fights Against Fake Reviews?

An Amazon fake review hurts not only the platform but also the seller. Therefore, the company has a strict policy against fake reviews. Every year, Amazon identifies and flags millions of unverified and fake reviews, each with five stars. It has an entire department, as well as automated systems, to weed out fake reviews and punish sellers who are found guilty of buying them.

Best-case scenario, you will find your fake reviews removed. Worst-case scenario, any account found in violation of Amazon’s Anti-Manipulation Policy for Customer Reviews can find itself suspended, and your payments may also be withheld. Moreover, Amazon also regularly cracks down on websites and social media groups that engage in selling and buying fake Amazon reviews.

Is Buying Amazon Reviews Useful?

As mentioned earlier, buying Amazon reviews is considered illegal and can land a seller in trouble. Not only that, but if you are caught with fake reviews on your products, you can find yourself banned from selling on Amazon, and any unpaid amounts might be seized by the platform. Therefore, it is best to stick to organic methods when trying to get Amazon reviews for your products.

How Can Amazon Reviews Be Fully Utilized?

Having thousands of positive product reviews on your Amazon seller account is a great thing, but you need to get the most out of them. This is where you need a tech-powered AI tool, such as the Review Analysis feature by Shulex. It brings together complex NLP, AI, MLOps, and analytics to give you an in-depth analysis of all your customer reviews and feedback, allowing you to tailor your products and customer experience to align with your customers’ needs and likes.

Customers always like to be heard, and Shulex helps you do just that. Start your free trial to see how Shulex can help you make the most use of your Amazon product reviews.

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