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(BRAND NEW) $1800/Day Affiliate Marketing Method For Beginners To Make Money Online!

(BRAND NEW) $1800/Day Affiliate Marketing Method For Beginners To Make Money Online!

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. The Upwork Affiliate Program

3. Finding Influencers on YouTube and Instagram

4. Creating a Professional Email

5. Crafting the Perfect Email

6. Sending the Email

7. Making Money with Affiliate Marketing

8. Pros and Cons of the Method

9. Highlights

10. FAQ


Are you looking for a way to make money online with affiliate marketing? Look no further than the Upwork Affiliate Program. With this program, you can earn up to 70% commission on every sale you make. In this article, we will show you how to find influencers on YouTube and Instagram, create a professional email, and craft the perfect email to send to these influencers. By following these steps, you can start making money with affiliate marketing today.

The Upwork Affiliate Program:

The Upwork Affiliate Program is a great way to make money online with affiliate marketing. With this program, you can earn up to 70% commission on every sale you make. To get started, simply sign up for the program and start promoting different freelancers online. When clients fund a project, you will earn a commission. You can earn up to $150 for every new client that you recommend to Upwork. All you need is 10 sales per month to make over a thousand dollars.

Finding Influencers on YouTube and Instagram:

To make money with affiliate marketing, you need to find influencers on YouTube and Instagram. These influencers are people who have a large following and are looking to grow their social media platforms. To find these influencers, simply type in a popular topic on YouTube and filter the results by this week or this month. Look for channels that have less than 15,000 subscribers and are posting consistently. Once you find a channel, go to the about section and get their email address.

Creating a Professional Email:

To make your email stand out, you need to create a professional email. Use a private email address instead of a Gmail account. This will make you look more professional and increase the chances of your email being taken seriously. Use a service like Builderall to create your email address and set up your subscribers list.

Crafting the Perfect Email:

Crafting the perfect email is essential to making money with affiliate marketing. Start by giving the influencer a compliment and letting them know that you appreciate their content. Then, recommend a freelancer that can help them grow their social media platforms. Use the link from the Upwork Affiliate Program to direct them to the freelancer's page. End the email by asking if they have any questions and signing off with your name or company name.

Sending the Email:

Once you have crafted the perfect email, it's time to send it. Use the mailing boss 5.0 from Builderall to send the email. Make sure to send it from your private email address and not a Gmail account. This will increase the chances of your email being taken seriously.

Making Money with Affiliate Marketing:

By following these steps, you can start making money with affiliate marketing. When the influencer purchases a service from the freelancer, you will earn a commission. You can earn up to 70% commission on every sale you make. With this method, you can make a full-time income online.

Pros and Cons of the Method:


- Easy to get started

- No upfront costs

- Can make a full-time income

- Can work in any niche


- Takes time to find the right influencers

- Not all influencers will respond to your email

- Commission rates may vary


- The Upwork Affiliate Program is a great way to make money online with affiliate marketing.

- Finding influencers on YouTube and Instagram is essential to making money with affiliate marketing.

- Creating a professional email is essential to making your email stand out.

- Crafting the perfect email is essential to making money with affiliate marketing.

- Sending the email from a private email address is essential to increasing the chances of your email being taken seriously.

- By following these steps, you can start making money with affiliate marketing today.


Q: How much can I earn with the Upwork Affiliate Program?

A: You can earn up to 70% commission on every sale you make. You can earn up to $150 for every new client that you recommend to Upwork.

Q: How do I find influencers on YouTube and Instagram?

A: Simply type in a popular topic on YouTube and filter the results by this week or this month. Look for channels that have less than 15,000 subscribers and are posting consistently.

Q: How do I create a professional email?

A: Use a private email address instead of a Gmail account. Use a service like Builderall to create your email address and set up your subscribers list.

Q: How do I craft the perfect email?

A: Start by giving the influencer a compliment and letting them know that you appreciate their content. Then, recommend a freelancer that can help them grow their social media platforms. Use the link from the Upwork Affiliate Program to direct them to the freelancer's page. End the email by asking if they have any questions and signing off with your name or company name.

Q: How do I send the email?

A: Use the mailing boss 5.0 from Builderall to send the email. Make sure to send it from your private email address and not a Gmail account.

Q: What are the pros and cons of this method?

A: Pros include easy to get started, no upfront costs, can make a full-time income, and can work in any niche. Cons include takes time to find the right influencers, not all influencers will respond to your email, and commission rates may vary.

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