150,000+ users

Boost your business with powerful VOCAI API

Provide Amazon's complete user reviews and conclusion data through advanced AI models.
VOC AI helps sellers(brands) to identify market opportunities and define winning products by leveraging sentiment analysis & AI/ChatGPT technology.
VOCAI is now opening up its raw data or AI-analyzed conclusion data related to Amazon review analysis to large sellers or service providers with a certain research and development team.
VOC AI can provide Amazon's full original review data, and its self-developed AI review tagging model can output user profiles, consumer purchasing motivations, usage scenarios, product strengths and weaknesses, and other data based on the original reviews.


Full Amazon review data
Amazon all product reviews and BSR data, support other platform customization services
5x more stable
10x Faster
Algorithm Model
Combining algorithmic capabilities such as ChatGPT, NLP, NER
Omnichannel Integration
Amazon, Shopify, SurveyMonkey, Facebook, Instagram, Walmart, Salesforce, AfterShip
Experts Team
Product selection, product optimization, consumer research, and marketing strategies

They All Trust VOCAI

Miracle Vet
Miracle Vet
Miracle Vet
Miracle Vet
Example of Data Application
VOC AI provides two types of APIs
Amazon reviews
Including the reviewer's name, star rating, original text, images, or videos, and other information.
Conclusion data
Can be used to analyze consumer profiles, product strengths and weaknesses, etc.

API Document

Click this link to have a full view: API Doc

Service and Application

We provide close technical support and after-sales service, support until the API works normally. Please make an appointment with our consultant for a demo or email to partners@shulex-tech.com
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VOC AI Inc. 8 The Green,Ste A, in the City of Dover County of Kent Zip Code: 19901
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