April 20, 2024
Author: Big Y

League of Legends: A Beginner's Guide to Playing Lulu

Are you new to League of Legends and looking for a champion to play? Look no further than Lulu, the Fae Sorceress! In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started playing Lulu, from her abilities to her playstyle. So grab your Pix and let's get started!

๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ Who is Lulu?

Lulu is a support champion in League of Legends. She is known for her ability to buff allies and control the battlefield with her crowd control abilities. Lulu's kit revolves around her ability to polymorph enemies, turning them into harmless creatures, and her ultimate ability, which can turn an ally into a giant, rampaging monster.

๐ŸŽฏ Abilities

Lulu has four abilities, each with its own unique effect. Here's a breakdown of what each ability does:

Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive)

Lulu's passive ability causes Pix, her faerie companion, to fly around her and fire magic bolts at her enemies. Pix can also be targeted by Lulu's other abilities, allowing her to shield allies or deal extra damage.

Glitterlance (Q)

Lulu fires a bolt of magical energy that damages and slows the first enemy it hits. If Pix is attached to an ally, Glitterlance will also fire a second bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing additional damage and slowing them as well.

Whimsy (W)

Lulu targets an ally, granting them bonus movement speed and attack speed for a short duration. If she targets an enemy, she polymorphs them, turning them into a harmless creature for a short time.

Help, Pix! (E)

Lulu targets an ally, shielding them and causing Pix to fly to them and fire magic bolts at nearby enemies. If she targets an enemy, Pix will fly to them and reveal them, dealing damage and revealing them for a short time.

Wild Growth (R)

Lulu's ultimate ability causes an ally to grow in size, gaining bonus health and knocking up nearby enemies. The ally also gains a burst of movement speed and Pix is attached to them, firing magic bolts at nearby enemies.

๐ŸŽฎ Playstyle

Lulu is a versatile champion who can be played in a variety of ways. As a support, her primary role is to protect her allies and control the battlefield. She can use her abilities to shield allies, slow enemies, and polymorph dangerous opponents. In team fights, Lulu's ultimate ability can turn a tanky ally into an unstoppable force, allowing them to charge into the enemy team and wreak havoc.

Lulu can also be played as a mid laner, where she can use her abilities to harass her opponents and control the lane. Her Glitterlance ability can be used to poke enemies from a safe distance, while her Whimsy ability can be used to escape ganks or chase down fleeing enemies.

๐ŸŒŸ Pros and Cons

Like any champion, Lulu has her strengths and weaknesses. Here are some pros and cons to consider when playing Lulu:


- Versatile playstyle

- Strong crowd control abilities

- Can protect allies and turn them into powerful tanks

- Good at harassing enemies in lane


- Low damage output compared to other mid laners

- Can be vulnerable to ganks if her abilities are on cooldown

- Requires good positioning to be effective in team fights

๐Ÿ“ˆ Highlights

- Lulu's polymorph ability can be used to shut down dangerous opponents, such as assassins or bruisers.

- Her ultimate ability can turn a tanky ally into an unstoppable force, allowing them to charge into the enemy team and wreak havoc.

- Lulu's Glitterlance ability can be used to poke enemies from a safe distance, making her a strong laner.

โ“ FAQ

Q: What items should I build on Lulu?

A: As a support, Lulu should focus on building items that provide utility and protection for her allies, such as Redemption, Ardent Censer, and Mikael's Crucible. As a mid laner, she can build more damage-oriented items, such as Luden's Echo or Rabadon's Deathcap.

Q: How should I use Lulu's ultimate ability?

A: Lulu's ultimate ability should be used to turn a tanky ally into an unstoppable force. Look for opportunities to use it on allies who are engaging the enemy team, or who are being focused by the enemy team.

Q: How can I use Lulu's polymorph ability effectively?

A: Lulu's polymorph ability can be used to shut down dangerous opponents, such as assassins or bruisers. Use it on enemies who are trying to dive your backline, or who are dealing a lot of damage to your allies.

๐ŸŒ Resources

- [League of Legends website](

- [Lulu Champion Spotlight](

- [AI Chatbot product](

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