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How To Become A Content Creator In 2024 (A Cynical View)

How To Become A Content Creator In 2024 (A Cynical View)

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Prerequisites of Being a Content Creator

- Knowing how to handle a camera and audio

- Editing and enhancing video content

- Hiring professionals for filming and editing

3. The Key to Success: Talking About the Same Thing in Different Ways

- Finding your passion and topic

- Repetition with a fresh and unique approach

- Providing valuable information

4. Case Study: Make Money Matt

- Consistency in delivering the same message

- Impressive viewership and revenue

- Courses as an additional income source

5. The Trend of Repeating Content

- Observations across social media platforms

- Examples from popular content creators

6. Conclusion


**The Key to Being a Successful Content Creator in 2024**

In the ever-evolving landscape of content creation, aspiring individuals are seeking ways to transition from corporate jobs to becoming full-time content creators. The question arises: what does it take to succeed in this field? In my humble opinion, it requires proficiency in various skills while excelling in one specific area. In this article, I will provide a cynical view of being a content creator in 2024 and reveal the one crucial element that guarantees success.

Before delving into the core concept, let's address the prerequisites of being a content creator. Firstly, you must possess the basic knowledge of handling a camera and capturing good audio. If your camera lacks audio capabilities, using a lav mic or syncing external audio becomes essential. Additionally, being able to edit and enhance your video content is crucial for creating a visually appealing and engaging experience for your audience. These skills serve as the foundation for any content creator. However, if you lack expertise in these areas or simply prefer not to invest time in mastering them, hiring professionals for filming and editing can be a viable option. It may require upfront investment, but it allows you to focus on your content creation journey.

Now, let's dive into the crux of being a successful content creator: the ability to talk about the same thing in hundreds of different ways. To achieve this, you need to identify a topic you are passionate about and can discuss repeatedly. Whether it's technology, fashion, or personal development, choose a subject that ignites your enthusiasm. The key lies in presenting your chosen topic from various angles, ensuring each video feels fresh, unique, and entertaining. While repeating the same message, strive to provide valuable information to your audience, keeping them engaged and eager for more.

To illustrate this approach, let's examine the case of Make Money Matt, a content creator who has mastered the art of repetition. With over 600,000 subscribers and 221 videos, Make Money Matt has found tremendous success by consistently delivering the same message. His videos revolve around making money through faceless YouTube channels and automation. While some may perceive this as monotonous, Make Money Matt's ability to present the same concept in different ways is truly remarkable. Despite the repetitive nature of his content, his videos garner millions of views, generating substantial ad revenue. Additionally, his courses contribute to his overall income, making him a prime example of how repetition can lead to financial success.

This trend of repeating content is not limited to Make Money Matt alone. Many popular content creators have found their niche and continue to discuss the same topics repeatedly. While exceptions exist, it is evident that repetition, when executed skillfully, resonates with audiences. Whether it's beauty, gaming, or lifestyle, content creators who consistently provide valuable insights on their chosen subjects often thrive.

In conclusion, to become a successful content creator in 2024, you must develop the skill of creating content around a specific topic, presenting it in numerous captivating ways. While this approach may seem cynical, it aligns with the current trends observed across various social media platforms. By embracing repetition and delivering valuable information, you can establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field. So, if you aspire to break free from the corporate grind and embark on a fulfilling content creation journey, remember the power of repetition and the impact it can have on your success.


- Being a successful content creator in 2024 requires proficiency in various skills while excelling in one specific area.

- Prerequisites include camera handling, audio management, and video editing.

- Hiring professionals for filming and editing is an alternative for those lacking expertise or time.

- The key to success lies in talking about the same thing in hundreds of different ways.

- Choose a topic you are passionate about and provide valuable information to keep your content fresh and engaging.

- Make Money Matt is a prime example of a content creator who repeats the same message while achieving remarkable success.

- Many popular content creators find their niche and consistently discuss the same topics, resonating with their audiences.


**Q: Is it necessary to have expertise in camera handling and video editing to be a content creator?**

A: While it is beneficial to possess these skills, hiring professionals for filming and editing is a viable option for those who prefer to focus solely on content creation.

**Q: How important is repetition in content creation?**

A: Repetition, when executed skillfully, can be a powerful tool for content creators. It allows them to explore a topic from various angles, keeping the content fresh and engaging.

**Q: Are there any content creators who have found success through repetition?**

A: Yes, Make Money Matt is a notable example. Despite discussing the same concept in each video, he has amassed a large following and generates substantial revenue.

**Q: Can repetition become monotonous for the audience?**

A: While repetition can be perceived as monotonous, content creators who provide valuable insights and present their topics in unique ways can keep their audience engaged and interested.

**Q: How can I establish myself as a successful content creator?**

A: Choose a topic you are passionate about, provide valuable information, and present it in various captivating ways. Consistency and delivering quality content are key to building a loyal audience.

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