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How to MAKE MONEY ONLINE - Buying Presents!

How to MAKE MONEY ONLINE - Buying Presents!

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Making Money During the Holiday Season

3. Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

4. Creating YouTube Videos for Affiliate Marketing

5. Starting a Blog for Affiliate Marketing

6. Exploring Other Social Media Platforms

7. Leveraging Compilations and Best-of Videos

8. The Amazon Influencer Program

9. Buying Products for Video Reviews

10. Making Money with the Amazon Influencer Program

11. Conclusion


The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the opportunity to not only buy gifts for our loved ones but also make money in the process. In this article, we will explore various ways to leverage affiliate marketing, specifically through Amazon, to earn extra income during this festive time. Whether you prefer creating videos, writing blog posts, or utilizing social media platforms, there are strategies that can help you monetize your holiday shopping. So let's dive in and discover how you can turn your gift purchases into a lucrative venture.

Making Money During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time when people are willing to spend a significant amount of money on gifts for their friends and family. Instead of simply buying presents, why not explore creative ways to make money from the products you purchase? By becoming an affiliate marketer, you can earn commissions by recommending products to others. This can be particularly lucrative during the holiday season when people are actively searching for gift ideas.

Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

One of the simplest ways to become an affiliate marketer is by joining the Amazon Associates program. As an Amazon associate, you can promote any product available on Amazon using your unique affiliate URL. When someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a commission. This means that by recommending products you genuinely believe in, you can generate income while helping others find the perfect gifts.

Creating YouTube Videos for Affiliate Marketing

YouTube is an excellent platform for affiliate marketing, as it allows you to showcase products through video reviews. By purchasing gifts for your friends and family, you can create simple one-minute videos discussing why you chose those presents and what makes them great gifts. By including your Amazon Associates link in the video description, you can earn commissions when viewers make purchases through your link. With time and consistency, you can build a successful YouTube channel that generates income from both affiliate links and advertisements.

Starting a Blog for Affiliate Marketing

If you prefer written content over videos, starting a blog is another effective way to monetize your holiday shopping. You can use free blogging software like WordPress or Google Sites to create a blog where you review the products you purchase. By including your affiliate links within the blog posts, you can earn commissions when readers click on those links and make purchases. Additionally, once your blog gains traction, you can also earn money through Google advertisements.

Exploring Other Social Media Platforms

Aside from YouTube and blogging, there are numerous social media platforms where you can share your product reviews and affiliate links. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok offer opportunities to reach different audiences and expand your affiliate marketing efforts. By leveraging these platforms, you can increase your chances of earning commissions from your holiday gift recommendations.

Leveraging Compilations and Best-of Videos

To further enhance your affiliate marketing strategy, consider creating compilations or best-of videos. For example, you can create a video titled "The Five Must-Have Gifts for Dad this Holiday Season" and discuss five products you plan to buy for your own father. By providing valuable insights and recommendations, you can attract viewers who are searching for gift ideas. Remember, content is king, and by creating engaging and informative videos, you can drive traffic to your affiliate links and increase your earning potential.

The Amazon Influencer Program

If you're looking to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, consider applying for the Amazon Influencer Program. This program provides approved influencers with their own storefront on Amazon, where they can showcase their video reviews. Some of these reviews may even appear on the actual product pages, increasing the visibility of your content and potential earnings. By strategically selecting products that have video review opportunities, you can maximize your chances of making significant commissions.

Buying Products for Video Reviews

To succeed with the Amazon Influencer Program, it's crucial to be selective about the products you purchase. Conduct product research to identify items that have video review opportunities on their Amazon product pages. By buying these products, creating engaging video reviews, and uploading them to your storefront, you can attract viewers who are already browsing Amazon. When these viewers make purchases after watching your reviews, you earn commissions, making your holiday gift purchases even more rewarding.

Making Money with the Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program offers a unique opportunity to earn a full-time income through affiliate marketing. By consistently creating high-quality video reviews and building a loyal audience, you can generate substantial commissions. While it may take time to establish a successful channel, the long-term potential is worth the effort. With dedication and creativity, you can turn your passion for reviewing products into a profitable venture.


The holiday season presents a prime opportunity to not only buy gifts for your loved ones but also make money through affiliate marketing. By becoming an Amazon affiliate, creating YouTube videos, starting a blog, or utilizing other social media platforms, you can monetize your holiday shopping and earn commissions from your recommendations. Additionally, by leveraging the Amazon Influencer Program, you can take your affiliate marketing to new heights and potentially earn a full-time income. So, this holiday season, let's turn our gift purchases into a source of income and make the most of this festive time.



- The holiday season offers a unique opportunity to make money through affiliate marketing.

- Becoming an Amazon affiliate allows you to earn commissions by recommending products.

- YouTube videos and

- End -
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