What are the major sources of consumer insights?

What are the major sources of consumer insights?

December 27, 2022
Author: GuoJie
As consumers all over the world increasingly get used to buying, sharing and interacting with brands online. Digital channels are the primary source of consumer insights. Even though many of these channels have been around for more than 20 years, we believe they are still new and mysterious:
1) Website Behavior 2) Search Behavior 3) CRM and Databases. 4) Social Media. 5) Forums, Blogs and Online Reviews.
These digital channels have two distinct advantages over traditional ones: they can be done on a global scale and the information is available real-time. This is why it is now imperative for companies and brands to make the most of digital channels. Amongst them, social media is the most important piece of the puzzle to unlock consumer insights. Social media is definitely a great source of data for gaining consumer insights. There are 4.5 billion social media users worldwide who are sharing every aspect of their lives every day. Companies and brands need to start using social media to access all the beneficial data and information to create products and services that resonate with consumers. If you want to learn more about overseas consumer insights or are looking for a good VOC tool, follow Shulex VOC and learn more about our products and services, we'd love to help.
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