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Make Your FIRST $10k/mo With Affiliate Marketing (No Audience Required)

Make Your FIRST $10k/mo With Affiliate Marketing (No Audience Required)

March 28, 2024
Author: Big Y

Top Affiliate Marketing Methods That Require Zero Audience

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative business, but one of the biggest challenges that holds affiliates back from getting started and having success is not having an audience to promote to. In this article, we will explore the top affiliate marketing methods that require zero audience to get started and have the ability to make you up to ten thousand dollars per month.

Table of Contents

1. Buying a Facebook Group

2. Using Amazon Inspire

3. Launch Jacking

4. Doing Amazon Reviews

5. Hiring or Partnering with a Content Creator

6. Creating a Niche Website

7. Utilizing Email Marketing

8. Leveraging Social Media

9. Creating a YouTube Channel

10. Using Paid Advertising

Buying a Facebook Group

One of the easiest ways to get started with affiliate marketing without an audience is to buy a Facebook group. By purchasing a Facebook group in your niche, you can start collecting leads and promoting products to them right away. The key is to find a group with a large number of members and high engagement. Once you have purchased the group, you can start offering your lead magnet in the membership questions and plug all those emails you're collecting on a daily basis into an email sequence and start promoting related products inside the niche that they're already interested in.


- Quick way to start collecting leads and promoting products

- Can be a lucrative source of income


- Buying a Facebook group can be expensive

- You may need to spend time and money to grow the group's engagement

Using Amazon Inspire

Amazon Inspire is a newer traffic source that not a lot of people know about. It's basically like TikTok but for physical products, and you're inspiring people to buy products on Amazon. The best part is that you don't need an audience to make good money from this. All you need to do is create videos around different products and find creative ways for people to buy the products that you're making videos about.


- Brand new method with little competition

- Can be a lucrative source of income


- You need to be a part of the Amazon influencer program to use this method

- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality videos

Launch Jacking

Launch jacking is a method of finding a brand new product or service or software and making a video review on it. The key is to rank on that keyword for whatever the product name is and then review. Once you have ranked, you can start promoting the product and making commissions from it. This method is all about finding good opportunities to make reviews on, and it can be a great way to make money without an audience.


- Can be a quick way to make money

- You don't need an audience to get started


- You need to find good opportunities to make reviews on

- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality videos

Doing Amazon Reviews

Another newer strategy that goes along with the Amazon influencer program is doing Amazon reviews. Once you get approved and are able to be a part of that program, you can start making commissions from these simple little videos. All you need to do is review products on Amazon and put your affiliate link in the description. If someone watches your video and ends up buying the product, you'll make a commission of that sale.


- Can be a quick way to make money

- You don't need an audience to get started


- You need to be a part of the Amazon influencer program to use this method

- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality videos

Hiring or Partnering with a Content Creator

If you're someone who doesn't want to make videos or create content, you can hire or partner with a content creator to make all your content for you. This way, you can focus on converting leads and making sales, while the content creator builds up the audience and gets the leads. You can find content creators on Facebook groups or other social media platforms.


- You don't need to create content yourself

- Can be a great way to build an audience and get leads


- You may need to spend money to hire a content creator

- You need to find a content creator who is a good fit for your niche

Creating a Niche Website

Creating a niche website is a great way to get started with affiliate marketing without an audience. You can create a website around a specific niche and start promoting products related to that niche. The key is to create high-quality content that provides value to your audience and promotes products that they're interested in.


- Can be a great way to build an audience and get leads

- You have full control over your website and content


- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality content

- It can take time to build up an audience and get traffic to your website

Utilizing Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to promote products to your audience and make sales. You can collect emails from your website or Facebook group and start promoting products to them through email. The key is to provide value to your audience and promote products that they're interested in.


- Can be a great way to make sales and build a relationship with your audience

- You have full control over your email list and content


- You need to provide value to your audience to keep them engaged

- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality emails

Leveraging Social Media

Social media is a great way to build an audience and get leads. You can create a Facebook page or Instagram account and start promoting products related to your niche. The key is to create high-quality content that provides value to your audience and promotes products that they're interested in.


- Can be a great way to build an audience and get leads

- You have full control over your content


- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality content

- It can take time to build up an audience and get traffic to your social media accounts

Creating a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel is a great way to get started with affiliate marketing without an audience. You can create videos around a specific niche and start promoting products related to that niche. The key is to create high-quality videos that provide value to your audience and promote products that they're interested in.


- Can be a great way to build an audience and get leads

- YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world


- You may need to spend time and money to create high-quality videos

- It can take time to build up an audience and get views on your videos

Using Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is a great way to get leads and make sales quickly. You can use platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to promote products related to your niche. The key is to create high-quality ads that provide value to your audience and promote products that they're interested in.


- Can be a quick way to get leads and make sales

- You have full control over your ads and targeting


- You need to spend money on advertising

- You need to create high-quality ads that provide value to your audience


- Buying a Facebook group can be a quick way to start collecting leads and promoting products

- Amazon Inspire is a newer method with little competition that can be a lucrative source of income

- Launch jacking is a quick way to make money without an audience

- Doing Amazon reviews is another newer method that can be a quick way to make money without an audience

- Hiring or partnering with a content creator can be a great way to build an audience and get leads without creating content yourself

- Creating a niche website, utilizing email marketing, leveraging social media, creating a YouTube channel, and using paid advertising are all great ways to get started with affiliate marketing without an audience


Q: Do I need an audience to make money with affiliate marketing?

A: No, there are several methods that require zero audience to make money with affiliate marketing.

Q: How much money can I make with affiliate marketing without an audience?

A: It depends on the method you choose and how much effort you put into it, but some methods have the ability to make you up to ten thousand dollars per month.

Q: Do I need to spend money to get started with affiliate marketing without an audience?

A: It depends on the method you choose, but some methods may require you to spend money on advertising or hiring a content creator.

Q: How long does it take to make money with affiliate marketing without an audience?

A: It depends on the method you choose and how much effort you put into it, but some methods can start making you money quickly.

- End -
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