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Should I REVEAL My Amazon Storefront? - Why I haven't yet.

Should I REVEAL My Amazon Storefront? - Why I haven't yet.

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Amazon Influencer Program

3. Sharing My Journey on YouTube

4. The Reason for Not Sharing My Storefront Link

5. Selfish Reasons for Not Sharing

6. Nonselfish Reasons for Not Sharing

7. Complaints About Influencers

8. Considering Sharing the Link

9. Toying with the Idea of Sharing

10. Seeking Feedback from Viewers


In this article, we will delve into the world of the Amazon Influencer Program and explore my personal journey with it. I have achieved a level of success that allowed me to quit my corporate job and make a full-time living through this program. While I have shared numerous tips and tricks on YouTube, there is one aspect I have yet to reveal - my exact storefront link and YouTube channel. In this article, I will explain the reasons behind this decision and discuss the possibility of sharing this information in the future.

The Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program has been a game-changer for many content creators, including myself. It offers an opportunity to monetize your influence by promoting products on Amazon. Through careful product research and strategic marketing, influencers can earn a substantial income. I have personally experienced the benefits of this program and have been sharing my journey on YouTube to help others achieve similar success.

Sharing My Journey on YouTube

My YouTube channel has been a platform for me to document and share my experiences with the Amazon Influencer Program. I have provided valuable insights, tips, and tricks that have helped many aspiring influencers. However, there is one aspect of my journey that I have intentionally kept hidden - my exact storefront link and YouTube channel. In the following sections, I will explain the reasons behind this decision.

The Reason for Not Sharing My Storefront Link

There are both selfish and nonselfish reasons for not sharing my storefront link. Let's start with the selfish reason. I am more than willing to share my strategies, techniques, and even the products I promote. However, I am cautious about direct competition. If I were to disclose my exact storefront link, there is a possibility that others might simply copy my product selection and compete directly with me. This could potentially impact my earnings and diminish the uniqueness of my offerings.

Selfish Reasons for Not Sharing

The selfish reason for not sharing my storefront link is rooted in the competitive nature of the Amazon Influencer Program. By carefully selecting products with low competition in the carousels, I have been able to generate consistent income from reviews I conducted months or even a year ago. If I were to reveal all these products, there is a risk that some individuals might purchase the same items and directly compete with me in the carousels. This could potentially lead to a decline in my earnings over the coming months.

Nonselfish Reasons for Not Sharing

On the other hand, the nonselfish reason for not sharing my storefront link is to provide an accurate representation of what can be achieved through this program. I want to demonstrate the potential of this business model without any external factors artificially inflating my results. If I were to share my YouTube channel and storefront link with a large social media following, the resulting influx of clicks on my affiliate links would create an abnormally high income for that month. This would not reflect the typical results that individuals without a significant social media presence can expect. I aim to present a realistic portrayal of building this business from scratch, without relying on an existing online influence.

Complaints About Influencers

In online forums, I have come across complaints about influencers who choose not to share their storefront links. Some individuals speculate that these influencers might be engaging in shady practices or breaking program rules to achieve their success. I want to assure you that my decision to withhold my storefront link is not driven by any illicit activities. I am simply cautious about the potential negative impact on my business and the integrity of the program.

Considering Sharing the Link

Despite my reservations, I am seriously considering sharing my storefront link and YouTube channel with my email subscribers. This smaller group of dedicated fans has shown genuine interest in the tips, tricks, and collaborations I offer. By sharing the link exclusively with them, I can provide a more intimate and controlled environment for sharing my journey. However, I am open to feedback and would like to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Toying with the Idea of Sharing

Toying with the idea of sharing my storefront link and YouTube channel is a significant step for me. It would mean opening up my strategies and product selection to a wider audience. While this could potentially lead to increased competition, it would also allow me to provide a more comprehensive understanding of my approach and what has been working for me. I value your opinion and would appreciate your input on whether this would be a beneficial move.

Seeking Feedback from Viewers

I would love to hear your thoughts on whether I should share my storefront link and YouTube channel. Do you believe that my videos are lacking something because I haven't shared this information? Would it be valuable for you to have access to every video I have ever created? Or do you think it would backfire and result in increased competition, potentially impacting my earnings? Please share your opinions in the comments section.


- The Amazon Influencer Program offers a lucrative opportunity for content creators.

- I have achieved success with the program and shared my journey on YouTube.

- I have not disclosed my exact storefront link and YouTube channel for specific reasons.

- Selfish reasons include avoiding direct competition and protecting my income.

- Nonselfish reasons involve providing an accurate representation of the program's potential.

- Complaints about influencers not sharing their storefronts are not indicative of wrongdoing.

- I am considering sharing the link exclusively with my email subscribers.

- Feedback from viewers is crucial in making this decision.


**Q: Why haven't you shared your exact storefront link and YouTube channel?**

A: There are both selfish and nonselfish reasons for this decision. I want to avoid direct competition and provide an accurate representation of the program's potential.

**Q: Are you doing something shady by not sharing your storefront link?**

A: No, my decision is not driven by any illicit activities. I am simply cautious about the impact on my business and the integrity of the program.

**Q: Will you ever share your storefront link and YouTube channel?**

A: I am considering sharing the link exclusively with my email subscribers. However, I value feedback from viewers before making a final decision.

**Q: How can I provide feedback on this matter?**

A: Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section. Your feedback will help me make an informed decision.


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