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Unfortunate TRUTH - How To Make MORE MONEY Online as an influencer...

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

The Amazon Influencer Program: Turning a Side Hustle into a Business

Are you looking to turn your Amazon Influencer Program side hustle into a full-fledged business? If so, you're not alone. Many people have found success with this program, but it takes more than just reviewing products to make big money. In this article, we'll explore the Amazon Influencer Program and how to turn it into a profitable business.

Understanding the Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program is a way for social media influencers to earn money by promoting products on Amazon. Influencers receive a commission on sales made through their unique affiliate link. The program is open to influencers with a following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.

To be successful in the Amazon Influencer Program, you need to pick the right products to promote. You want to choose products that you can get onto the video carousels for and that have a good title and thumbnail to increase your click-through rate. You also need to sell the product inside of the video by identifying a problem and explaining how the product solves that problem.

The Harsh Truth About Making Big Money

If you've been watching gurus on YouTube telling you that you can make $3,000, $5,000, or even $10,000 a month with the Amazon Influencer Program, you may be wondering why you're not making that kind of money. The truth is that if you want to turn this side hustle into a business, you need to be buying expensive, big-ticket items that you're sure you can rank for.

By doing product research and finding big-ticket items to review, you can make more money per sale and increase your earnings. However, this requires upfront costs and may not be feasible for everyone. Alternatively, you can do 10,000 reviews of lower-priced items, but this will take a lot of time and effort.

Digging into Your Analytics

To see where you stand and how you can improve your earnings, you need to dig into your analytics. Download your reports and sort the data by ad fees or commission to see which products are earning you the most money. You may find that you're making less money than others because you're reviewing lower-priced items.

Pros and Cons of the Amazon Influencer Program


- Easy to get started

- No need to create your own products

- Can earn money by reviewing products you already own

- Can be a profitable side hustle


- Requires upfront costs to buy big-ticket items

- May take time to build a following and increase earnings

- Can be competitive to rank for certain products

- Commission rates can be low for some products


- The Amazon Influencer Program is a way for social media influencers to earn money by promoting products on Amazon.

- To be successful, you need to pick the right products to promote and sell the product inside of the video.

- If you want to turn this side hustle into a business, you need to be buying expensive, big-ticket items that you're sure you can rank for.

- Dig into your analytics to see where you stand and how you can improve your earnings.

- Pros of the Amazon Influencer Program include easy to get started and no need to create your own products, while cons include upfront costs and low commission rates for some products.


Q: How do I join the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: You can apply to the program through your Amazon account. You will need to have a following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

Q: Do I need to have a certain number of followers to join the program?

A: There is no set number of followers required to join the program, but you will need to have a significant following to be accepted.

Q: Can I promote any product on Amazon?

A: No, you can only promote products that are part of the Amazon Influencer Program.

Q: How much money can I make with the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: Your earnings will depend on the products you promote and the commission rates for those products. It is possible to make a significant amount of money, but it takes time and effort to build a following and increase earnings.

Q: Do I need to buy the products I review?

A: No, you can review products you already own or products that are sent to you by the brand.


- [Amazon Influencer Program](https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/influencers)

- [Sordo](https://sordo.com/) AI Chatbot

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