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Maximizing Your E-Commerce Success: How to Optimize for Marketplaces Beyond Amazon

Maximizing Your E-Commerce Success: How to Optimize for Marketplaces Beyond Amazon

April 3, 2023
Author: Krystal

Maximize your e-commerce sales potential with Walmart and Amazon. Walmart's website is growing at a rate of 16%, making up 6.3% of all e-commerce transactions, with no monthly subscription fees to sell. The new WFS program allows for easy order fulfillment, while cheaper storage fees during Q4 and less competition than Amazon make it an attractive option. However, Amazon spends over $100 billion on marketing which benefits third-party sellers as well, accounting for two-thirds of all sales made on the platform. Consider creating your own website in addition to selling on both platforms for maximum exposure and profit potential.

Amazon FBA vs. Walmart Marketplace - Which Platform You Should Sell on in 2023!

Video by @TravisMarziani (https://www.youtube.com/@TravisMarziani)

1. E-commerce is growing rapidly, with online sales making up almost 15% of all retail sales.

2. Walmart and Amazon are both great platforms for selling products online.

3. Walmart's website is growing at a rate of 16%, and they make up 6.3% of all e-commerce transactions.

4. There are no monthly subscription fees to sell on Walmart, only commission percentages ranging from 6-15%.

5. The new WFS program by Walmart allows sellers to send their products to a warehouse where Walmart will pick, pack, and ship the product out when an order comes in.

6. Walmart has cheaper storage fees than Amazon during Q4.

7. There is less competition on Walmart compared to Amazon (150k vs 9 million sellers).

8. Amazon spends over $100 billion on marketing which benefits third-party sellers as well.

9. Two-thirds of all sales made on Amazon come from third-party sellers like you and me

10. It's recommended to create your own website in addition to selling on these platforms because you don't own the customer information when selling through them.

Overall, there are pros and cons to both platforms but it's recommended that one sells their passion product on both sites for maximum exposure and profit potential

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