150,000+ users


AI Agent
Yearly-20% off
For Solo Entrepreneurs
1 account
600 reports / mo, Amazon reviews analysis
600 reports / mo, market insights
10 queries / d, AI listing optimization
120 queries / d, Shulex copilot
Most popular
For Teams in a Growing Company
1 admin account and 5 sub-accounts
3000 reports / mo, Amazon reviews analysis
3000 reports / mo, market insights
20 reports / mo, social listening
30000 social mentions / mo
Daily social media monitoring
50 queries / d, AI listing optimization
1000 queries / d, Shulex copilot
Advanced AI features
For Large Scale Businesses
Unlimited accounts
Unlimited reports, Amazon reviews analysis
Unlimited reports, market insights
Unlimited reports, social listening analysis
Unlimited social mentions
Daily social media monitoring
Unlimited queries, AI listing optimization
Unlimited queries, Shulex copilot
Advanced AI features
Amazon Review Aanlysis API
The choice of 10,000+ users
“ VOC AI made it easy for me to differentiate between competitors and understand purchase motives. It was a helpful tool on my journey into this fun field! ”
“ With the powerful tool, we noticed a dissatisfaction level of 51% in charging speed when analyzing chargers. Led to star ratings from 4.3 to 4.7. ”
Product Manager
“ When analyzing the usage scenario of fitness equipment, we noticed working out with wife and children was gradually increasing.So we highlight these features in listing and get 15% boost in sales. ”
Marketing Manager
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Yes, monthly subscription plans charge you automatically every month until you cancel or pause them.
Where can I get invoice?
You can download invoice in 'User Center' >'Subscription' > 'Billing Information'. Any issues with downloading, please contact partners@shulex-tech.com
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