How To Sell Books On Amazon FBA For Beginners (2022 Full Guide)

How To Sell Books On Amazon FBA For Beginners (2022 Full Guide)

February 21, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Step 1: Creating Your Amazon Seller Account

3. Step 2: Finding Locations to Source Used Books

4. Step 3: Identifying Profitable Books to Buy

5. Step 4: Analyzing the Sales Rank of Books

6. Step 5: Listing and Shipping Your Books

7. Scaling Your Book Selling Business

8. Tips and Advice for Beginners

9. Conclusion


πŸ“š Selling books on Amazon can be a lucrative business venture, especially for beginners. Not only are books affordable to purchase, but they also offer great profit margins. In this article, we will guide you through the process of starting your own book selling business on Amazon. From creating your seller account to finding profitable books and scaling your business, we'll cover all the essential steps. So, let's dive in and explore the exciting world of book reselling on Amazon!

Step 1: Creating Your Amazon Seller Account

πŸ”‘ The first step in your journey is to create an Amazon seller account. It's a straightforward process that can be done by visiting Keep in mind that you need to be at least 18 years old to create an account. If you're younger, you can seek assistance from a parent or guardian. Once your account is set up, you'll be ready to embark on your book selling adventure!

Step 2: Finding Locations to Source Used Books

πŸ“š Now that you have your seller account, it's time to find locations where you can source used books. Thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army are excellent places to start. These stores often have dedicated sections for used books. If you live in a bigger city, you might also discover other second-hand stores worth exploring. Additionally, consider checking book sales and even your own house for unused textbooks or books you can resell. Get creative and explore various avenues to find hidden gems!

Step 3: Identifying Profitable Books to Buy

πŸ’° When you're at thrift stores or other locations, you might wonder which books are worth buying. The key is to scan every book using the Amazon Seller app or other similar apps. Don't overlook any book because even the most random titles can turn out to be profitable. Non-fiction books often offer better profit potential than mass-produced fiction books. Scan the barcode of each book to see its listing on Amazon, including the number of sellers and current prices. This will help you make informed decisions about which books to purchase.

Step 4: Analyzing the Sales Rank of Books

πŸ“Š Pricing and sales rank play crucial roles in determining the profitability of a book. While scanning books, pay attention to their sales rank. Amazon assigns a unique number to each item, representing how frequently it sells. Generally, aim for books with a sales rank under a million. However, if a book has exceptional profit potential, you can consider going slightly above that threshold. Remember, the lower the sales rank, the more frequently the book sells.

Step 5: Listing and Shipping Your Books

πŸ“¦ Once you've accumulated a collection of books, it's time to list them on Amazon. You can either type in the title or scan the barcode to find the book's listing. Select the appropriate condition and price point based on the current market. As an FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) seller, you can charge a premium price due to the advantage of prime two-day shipping. After listing your books, create a shipment and print individual FNSKU labels to cover the barcodes. Package your books, ship them to an Amazon warehouse, and wait for them to be checked in and made available for sale on

Scaling Your Book Selling Business

πŸ“ˆ As you gain experience and confidence, it's essential to scale your book selling business. Consistency is key. Plan regular visits to thrift stores and expand your search to different locations. Remember, it's a numbers game, and the more books you scan, the higher your chances of finding profitable ones. By consistently sourcing books and growing your inventory, you can turn book reselling into a successful side hustle or even a full-time income stream.

Tips and Advice for

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