Disposable Razors product research and customer review analysis

In today's rapidly growing and highly competitive e-commerce industry, it is becoming increasingly important for sellers to effectively select products, improve customer experience, and ultimately be able to increase their market sales and strengthen their brand. Amazon review analysis and consumer research can provide key insights into customer sentiment, preferences and behaviors that can help sellers make informed decisions on product selection and marketing strategies. By utilizing tools such as sentiment analysis, voice of customer, feedback analysis, product research, audience research, competitor analysis and Amazon ratings & reviews data to gain a better understanding of the customer base it becomes possible to create more targeted campaigns that meet customer needs and drive customer satisfaction.

Total ASIN: 11
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This insight is based on the data from the best seller products. The top 5 of them are:

Sales, a key metric of costs and profits for any business, is the most intuitive and accessible data. With established social media platforms and advertising channels providing detailed insight in regards to website traffic, understanding consumer sentiment--i.e., volume--is one of the more challenging areas to analyze. Volume refers how people express their opinions on our brand's products/services/marketing efforts via various touchpoints; these voices come together as an aggregate that can tell us what consumers need or expect from us – why consumers make purchases with us over others.

Based on the data provided, it seems that the average rating for disposable razors on Amazon is 4.55, which indicates a relatively high level of customer satisfaction. With a total of 9374 reviews, this suggests that there is a significant number of customers who have purchased and reviewed disposable razors on the platform. The high average rating implies that customers are generally pleased with the quality and performance of the disposable razors in this category. It indicates that the majority of customers have had positive experiences and are satisfied with their purchases. Based on this information, my advice would be to continue offering high-quality disposable razors and maintaining a focus on customer satisfaction. It's important to consistently deliver products that meet or exceed customer expectations. Additionally, actively engaging with customers by responding to their reviews and addressing any concerns or issues they may have can further enhance their satisfaction and loyalty. Regularly monitoring customer feedback and reviews can also provide valuable insights into areas for improvement or potential product enhancements. By continuously striving to meet customer needs and preferences, you can maintain a strong position in the disposable razor market on Amazon.

Target your customers through customer profile

Voice of customer analysis and audience research are key elements when targeting customers through customer profile. By leveraging Amazon review analysis and other data sources, sellers can gain insights into their customers preferences and behaviors, which can be used to craft targeted solutions and develop a successful product profile. Additionally, this data can also be used to create more effective campaigns that attract the right customers and boost sales.

Customer Profile
The consumer group most commonly mentioned is husband, the most commonly moment of use is everyday, the most common location is grocery, the most common behavior is shave . By focusing on these key consumer characteristics, it is possible to identify pain points associated with consumer usage scenarios.
X-axis:topic. Y-axis:mentions. Red:reviews of 1-3 stars. Green:reviews of 4-5 stars

Based on the data provided, it seems that the primary users of the disposable razors are men, specifically husbands, with 369 mentions. This is followed by sons with 95 mentions and wives with 57 mentions. It's possible that the product is marketed towards men, but it's also possible that men simply use disposable razors more frequently than women. In terms of where the product is used, the top three places are grocery stores, travel bags, and the gym. This suggests that the product is convenient for on-the-go use and is often purchased as a last-minute item while running errands or traveling. The top two uses of the product are for shaving and travel, with 433 and 155 mentions respectively. This indicates that the product is primarily used for personal grooming and is also popular among travelers who need a quick and easy way to shave while on the go. Based on this data, the customer profile for this product is likely men who are frequently on the go and need a convenient and disposable option for shaving. They may prioritize convenience and ease of use over other factors such as cost or sustainability. To better cater to this customer profile, the company could consider marketing the product as a travel essential or emphasizing its convenience for on-the-go use. They could also consider offering travel-sized packs or partnering with airlines or hotels to offer the product as a complimentary amenity. Additionally, they could explore ways to make the product more sustainable or eco-friendly to appeal to customers who prioritize environmental concerns.

Ship products your customers love through sentiment analysis

Through sentiment analysis, businesses can uncover consumer dissatisfaction with products, automatically decompose NR and PR, and present product quality issues, packaging suggestions, marketing loopholes, and inadequate service in a digitalized format. By finding problems in VOC and combining them with a set of quality problem solving processes (CTQs), businesses can form a closed loop from problem to action, thereby achieving continuous iteration and optimization of product quality. In addition, analyzing customer emotion data can help companies foresee emerging trends ahead of competitors and tailor their products to meet customers' needs.

Customer Sentiment
The top 5 negative reviews are blade, razor, handle, head, quality. The most mentioned elements about blade are dull(6.34%), do not last thru many shave(2.22%).
The top 5 positive reviews are razor, blade, handle, shave, quality. The most mentioned elements about razor are good quality(3.47%), good(2.65%).
do not last thru many shave2.22%
come apart1.69%
dull after about an hour of use1.27%
good quality3.47%
last you forever2.65%
comfortable to use1.92%
smooth surface1.28%
Product pros and cons based on Amazon reviews. Consumers' sentiments which represent their opinions are identified using AI.

Based on the data provided, it seems that the most commonly mentioned con aspect of disposable razors is the blade, accounting for 32.35% of the mentions. Additionally, the top five cons mentioned are the blade, razor, handle, head, and quality. On the other hand, the top pro aspect mentioned is the razor, accounting for 26.30% of the mentions. From this information, we can conclude that the blade is a significant concern for consumers when it comes to disposable razors. It appears that users are dissatisfied with the performance, sharpness, or durability of the blades. The razor itself is mentioned as a pro aspect, suggesting that users appreciate the overall design or functionality of the razor. To improve product development and selection in this category, manufacturers should focus on addressing the issues related to the blade. This could involve improving the sharpness and longevity of the blades, ensuring they provide a smooth and comfortable shaving experience. Additionally, attention should be given to the quality of the razor as a whole, including the handle and head, to enhance durability and user satisfaction. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for manufacturers to conduct market research and gather feedback from consumers to understand their specific needs and preferences. This could help in developing innovative features or addressing other common concerns related to disposable razors. In summary, the cons of disposable razors primarily revolve around the blade, razor, handle, head, and quality. The pro aspect most mentioned is the razor itself. To enhance product development and selection, manufacturers should focus on improving the blade's performance and durability, as well as overall product quality, while considering consumer feedback and preferences.

Make the smartest sales decisions through Buyers Motivation

Making the smartest sales decisions requires understanding and responding to the voice of customer. This can be achieved by leveraging buyer motivation data, conducting competitor analysis, and engaging in thorough product research. Companies should seek to understand customer needs and preferences through surveys and feedback, analyze data from past purchases, and track market trends in order to develop effective pricing strategies. Additionally, businesses must focus on providing value to customers through competitive prices, relevant discounts, quality products, convenient services, and superior customer service. By taking into account buyer motivation and focusing on delivering value, businesses can make informed decisions that will lead to long-term success.

Buyers Motivation
Gain insight into the judgment of consumers (Top 5) when making purchase decisions, and optimize marketing strategies in a targeted manner.
adjustable color1
amount of blade that come with1
amount of replacement blade1

Based on the data above, it seems that customers are primarily motivated to buy disposable razors based on price, brand reputation, and product description. Of these factors, product description appears to be the most important, with over 24% of mentions. One reason why product description may be so important is that customers want to know exactly what they are getting before they make a purchase. Disposable razors are a product that people use on a regular basis, so they want to make sure that they are getting a product that will meet their needs and expectations. To optimize Amazon listings for disposable razors, sellers should focus on creating detailed and accurate product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of their products. They should also consider offering competitive pricing and building a strong brand reputation through customer reviews and ratings. Additionally, sellers may want to consider offering promotions or discounts to incentivize customers to try their products.

Understand customers need for prioritizing what to build next

Companies should prioritize what to build next by understanding their customers' needs. Amazon review analysis can help businesses better understand customer sentiment, while product research and competitor analysis can give insights into current and upcoming trends in the market. Moreover, customer expectations should be taken into account when developing new products or features. Ultimately, prioritizing what to build next based on an in-depth understanding of customer needs will enable a company to develop successful products that maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Expectations
By understanding the specific reasons, manufacturers and retailers can develop products and marketing strategies that effectively address these needs and wants.
TopicMentionsReview Snippets
last long10
last long
last longer
longer lasting9
last longer
last 2 longer
closer shave5
more shave
close shave
more quality shave
smooth close no cut shave
last year5
last year
last month
good shave4
good shave
quality of shave
3 blade3
3 blade system
4 blade
4 last3
blade sharp3
blade sharper
sharp steel blade
clean shave last longer3
last through more than 1 shaving
razor easy shave time
razor provide close shave last long

Analysis of Customer Expectations for Disposable Razors: Based on the customer feedback, it is evident that longevity is a key expectation for customers in the disposable razor category. The phrases "last long" and "longer lasting" were mentioned a total of 19 times, indicating that customers prioritize razors that offer extended usage before needing to be replaced. This suggests that sellers should focus on developing products that have a longer lifespan, ensuring that customers feel they are getting value for their money. Additionally, customers mentioned a "closer shave" five times, indicating that they desire a razor that provides a smooth and precise shaving experience. Sellers should consider incorporating features that enhance the closeness of the shave, such as sharper blades or improved blade angles. By meeting this expectation, sellers can attract customers who prioritize a clean and precise shave. Suggestions for Product Development Prioritization: 1. Longevity: Given the high number of mentions regarding the longevity of disposable razors, it is crucial for sellers to prioritize product development in this area. Focus on creating razors that have a longer lifespan, ensuring that customers feel satisfied with their purchase and are more likely to repurchase the product. 2. Blade Quality: To meet the expectation of a closer shave, sellers should prioritize the development of high-quality blades. Consider using sharper blades or incorporating advanced blade technologies to provide a superior shaving experience. 3. Ergonomics: While not explicitly mentioned in the customer feedback, considering the ergonomics of the razor can greatly enhance the overall user experience. Prioritize the development of razors with comfortable handles and easy maneuverability, ensuring customers can achieve a close shave with ease. Marketing Promotion Factors: 1. Highlight Longevity: In marketing campaigns, emphasize the longevity of the disposable razors. Use phrases like "lasts longer" or "extended usage" to communicate the value customers can expect from the product. 2. Emphasize Close Shave: Showcase the precision and closeness of the shave that can be achieved with the razor. Use visuals or testimonials to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product in providing a smooth and clean shave. 3. Value for Money: Communicate the cost-effectiveness of the product by highlighting its longevity and the quality of the shave. Emphasize that customers are getting a high-quality product that will last longer compared to other disposable razors in the market. By prioritizing product development in line with customer expectations and effectively promoting these factors, sellers can attract and retain customers in the competitive disposable razor market.

Shulex VOC is an AI-powered platform that helps companies gain valuable customer insights from Amazon review analysis. It works by providing users with core capabilities such as customer profiles, sentiment analysis, buyers motivation and customer expectations. This enables businesses to tap into the power of voice of customer, utilizing AI modeling for a comprehensive view of customer experience, product research & selection as well as optimizing quality and reputation. The insights gleaned from this data can then be implemented to foster a healthy relationship between customers and brand.


Amazon Reviews

It seems that Gillette - and by extension Proctor & Gamble - don't understand next gen "clean teach" products. This new Gillette Labs moniker is for the next generation to think P&G understands eco-products. There is no fragrance-free shaving gel in the Gillette line up, and I was only able to find one in the Venus line for women. All Gillette shaving gels smell like a train station or elevator you never want to visit again. Too bad, because the new blades are great.
Good shaveJan. 2023
Blades are good but I can't speak to the cream. It came in a brown can and when I returned the set all I got in return was the razor! So, beat twice in the last couple months!
It's a great razor and the price was good for a prime day special
These blades offer a good shave but are cost prohibitive. They dont last very long, maybe a week at best. Too expensive. You can do better with other products for much less money.
Well the package is value for money, and is really designed to get you to switch to the new product line. Now as far as the shaver itself, its more of a incremental improvement than anything revolutionary. If you want a change for the sake of something new, then you wont go astray, but if you are looking for a quantum leap in functionality or performance that will not be provided. In summary nothing bad, perfectly good.
Riley R.
Can't returnDec. 2022
Product says fits all Gillette handles but I have the flex head and it doesn't work on it in any sort of was and Product is not eligible for return which is unheard of 🤬
Holden Wood
N/ADec. 2022
I absolutely never have luck with women's razors bc I have naturally curly hair, which means my legs and bikini area have hairs which are coarse!! Unfortunately, the coarse hairs make it extremely easy for me to get razor burn/bumps and often infected hairs (filiculitus) which is painful and can cause scarring. I definitely have to shave my legs every couple days and bikini area every 5-7 days. I am fortunate that my armpit hair is softer/finer and can go over a week without shaving there. In the past, I had some issues with infected hairs, razor bumps and burn when shaving armpits. With this razor and using sensitive shave CREAM, I haven't had any issues under my arms. I have had less trouble with razor bumps/burn and infected hairs on bikini and definitely legs. Again Ladies, It's soo important to exfoliate and soak you're body in a hot tub before standing up in the shower to shave. I would recommend this razor to all !! (Just be careful). Ladies, this razor is AMAZING!! I highly recommend this for all women, even if you have finer hair.
This product had over the top packaging. I get it that they're trying to make their premium products feel... premium, but there was too much chipboard and plastic. The shaving cream seal was also odd, and I was never able to fully empty the container.

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